We can be contacted any time:
Tel: 9444 0100
Chiropractors hours:
Mon: 2.00pm-6pm
Tue: 8.00am-1pm
Wed: 2.00pm-6pm
Thu: 8.00am-1pm
Fri: 8am-12pm and 2.00pm-6pm
Sat: 8am-12pm
Massage Therapists:
Mon: 10am-2pm
Thu: 10am-2pm
Mon: 2pm-6pm
Wed: 2pm-6pm
Fri: 9am-2pm
Fri: 2pm-5pm
Alt Sat’s: 9am-1pm
To start off with, completion of our New Patient Paperwork is necessary. You can download the form here or have them emailed to you by one of our assistants.
The first visit with the chiropractor (usually 30-45 minutes) involves a thorough medical history and lifestyle assessment, followed by a physical examination. This includes a chiropractic spinal analysis, as well as some neurological and orthopaedic tests. Your findings will determine how the chiropractor proceeds from here but if you are deemed to have a chiropractic problem, the next step is to have some xrays taken. The chiropractor will give you the xray referral and await your return. Once xrays are in hand, you are ready for your second visit, known commonly as the Report of Findings (ROF).
Please note:
1) If you have spinal xrays less than 2 years old, please ensure you bring those with you on your first visit.
2) Whether or not an adjustment is performed on the first visit is up to the chiropractor and will depend on your situation. If uncertain, you can always give us a call and enquire with the chiropractor directly.
Commonly known as the Report of Findings (ROF), this is a 30 minute consultation. The main purpose here is to summarise your condition and get started with treatment.
Following the Report of Findings (ROF), regular treatment (adjustments) begins. Just like each workout at the gym builds muscle and strength progressively, so too does each new adjustment create better movement and alignment within your spine. The improved movement aids the healing process by reducing nerve interference, inflammation and therefore pain in most cases. However much more than this is going on inside, (see “What is Chiropractic” in the FAQ section). The adjustment doesn’t take long to perform, in most cases you will be in and out within 15 minutes, but what takes time is the healing process. The chiropractor would have given you more specific details in your Report of Findings.
At this stage the repetition of adjustments is critical for change to take place. Your nervous system responds to repetition, so make sure you stick to your Treatment Plan, it’s been designed specifically for you to reach your desired goals in the least amount of time.
Regular visits continue until your next Progress Exam (indicated in your ROF).
This consultation usually takes place every 12 visits. It may include the EMG scan, as well as other tests and is how we monitor your progress. It is also an opportunity to reset goals and make sure that you and the chiropractor are heading in the same direction. At the end of the day, we are here to help you achieve YOUR goals, whatever they may be.
The New Patient Form can be downloaded here. By filling it out prior to arriving at the clinic, you will help stream-line the examination process. Please print it off first, then fill out, and present to reception upon arrival.
Contact us on 9444 0100. 1/614 Newcastle St, Leederville, 6007